Many business owners think that when they’re ready to sell, they can simply put up a “For Sale”...
RSVP for Webinar – Protect Your Business Value, Family, and Wealth
Learn How to Protect Learn How to Protect Your Business Value, Family, and Wealth
As a business owner during these unpredictable times, you need to think about protecting your business value, family, and wealth – especially if you're thinking about selling your business!
You never know when a life event – such as unexpected death, disability, or life-threatening diagnosis – could suddenly take away your ability to run the business you have worked so hard to build.
You should have a written contingency plan that:
Provides a roadmap for your family.
Outlines who you want to own and operate your business.
Prevents your business value from plummeting.
Retains your key employees.
Ensures your business continues.
If you don't, attend our free webinar on Thursday, January 27, 2022:
Protect Your Business, Your Family, and Your Wealth with a Contingency Plan
Please join Greg Farland, CFP® AIF® CExP™, and me as we discuss the specific steps you should take and the critical documents you need to have in place to avoid disaster and protect your business, your family, and your wealth.
We will also discuss important financial, tax, and estate planning considerations.
This session is strictly confidential.
It may be the most important webinar you attend in 2022!
Protect Your Business, Your Family, and Your Wealth with a Contingency Plan
Thursday, January 27, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM ET
P.S. We also invite you to learn more about all of the business owner resources available to you at no cost at Business Transition Academy. Download a full PDF version of our book Cashing Out of Your Business – Your Last Great Deal ($17.95 value) for FREE and learn how to exit your business on your own terms and for the best price.