This book is a must-read for every owner who is facing an ownership transition in the next decade.
Cashing Out of Your Business, co-authored by Jane M. Johnson and written especially for business owners, introduces the concept of business ownership transition planning. It outlines a roadmap that may be used by ALL owners to analyze their current situation, determine their goals and design a Business Ownership Transition Plan that is custom to their needs.
"Cashing Out Your Business will open up your eyes to what will ensure your business survival after moving on. Whether you plan to transfer your business next year or years from now, give this book a read to learn what structure will work best for all the people important in your business and your life."
Our roadmap consists of six modules. Here are just a few of the key concepts that we discuss in our book and illustrate using real-life client case studies:
Getting Yourself Prepared
Counting Beans
Building a Better Box
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
The Art of the Deal
Paint by Numbers
Great book on what is required to prepare your business for sale! It is insightful and has great examples.
Jeffrey J. Diercks
This book tells you what to do in order to sell your business. Many business owners seem to always say they might sell in five years or so but when you check back with them in a couple of years it is still the same five years away until one day they are in a rush due to changing health or family situations. This book helps you get moving on what you need to do to be ready to sell or transition ownership to the next generation so you will be able to get the most value for your business when the time comes.
Scott R. Loring
I grabbed this book out of a pile late last August for an easy summer afternoon read. I really liked the author's style - she cuts right to it, in plain talk. What's interesting is that it turned me around in terms of my exit strategy. I had been focused on assuming an external sale, but after reading what the author had to say, I reconsidered advantages on an internal transition of ownership, and that's what I'm now pursuing...and yes, I got in touch with author Jane Johnson and engaged her to be a guide on this journey. Good for me. Good for my leadership team. And hooray for the future of independent, privately held business.
This book is a must read for any business owner who plans on selling all or part of the interest in his/her company. If you've been careful and thoughtful in growing a profitable business, you simply owe it to yourself to follow Johnson's & Richardson-Mauro's well-designed model from planning through closing. You'll be amazed as to how much wisdom is packed into this slim, crucial guide. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy!
Christopher M. Bond
Be sure to subscribe to our blog and stay abreast of the latest topics. tactics. and advice on how you can successfully transition from your business. Whether you desire an internal or external sale, our blog will provide you with valuable, timely information to prepare you for your own deal of a lifetime.
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