The HBO show Succession centers around the dysfunction of a corporation without a clear succession...
For Business Owners Seeking Improved Cash Flow Immediately
We are all reminded that there are things beyond our control that can disrupt our businesses and our lives without much warning. Having a solid financial foundation in our personal lives and businesses can help us to withstand these blows.
Here are some financial resources that business owners may use to strengthen their financial foundation:
SBA Disaster Assistance
Check out this SBA disaster assistance link if you’re an SB needing immediate liquidity. Track the expenses caused by the current crisis when you apply for funding. You should factor them into your profits as a one-time expense if you plan to exit your business in the future.
Webinar: Improving Cash Flow Quickly by 10% with NO LAYOFFS and NO SACRIFICE
Join us for Improving Cash Flow Quickly by 10% with NO LAYOFFS and NO SACRIFICE. This special webinar is this Friday, March 27 at 1 PM EST.
My guest, Kirk Conole of DCI Solutions, will show you several ways companies like yours have improved cash flow immediately and profit by thousands of dollars per employee without layoffs and without upfront expense.
These immediate improvements can be done remotely without stepping foot inside your offices.
The game-changing webinar will be recorded for the benefit of people who cannot attend but you must register here to get the recording.
Project Your Cash Flow Needs
Gain more visibility into your financials and cash flow before you make mission critical decisions. My business colleague and seasoned CFO Charlie Goodrich provides MUST READ tips for owners here:
Difficult times call for new and creative thinking.
Join us this Friday and gain new ideas for shoring up your financial foundation.